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About Us

Welcome to Te Peku, a Mediterranean seafood dining experience that brings the freshest flavors of the sea to your table. Our story is rooted in a deep family tradition of maritime excellence and a passion for culinary exploration.

Our Heritage

The culinary journey at Te Peku is guided by Ani, our talented chef, who hails from a distinguished lineage of sea-loving individuals. His grandfather was a revered submarine captain, navigating the depths of the ocean with precision and skill. Ani's father followed in these nautical footsteps as a marine officer and later became a professor at the Faculty of Maritime Sciences, imparting his vast knowledge to the next generation of maritime professionals.

Ani's passion for the sea and its bounty is deeply influenced by his family's maritime legacy.

From an early age, he was immersed in stories of the sea, learning about its mysteries and the incredible variety of life it sustains.

This profound connection to the sea is the cornerstone of Te Peku's culinary philosophy.

Ani's dedication to exceptional cuisine is not only rooted in tradition but also fueled by his continuous travels.

He has explored diverse culinary landscapes, discovering innovative ways to cook and enjoy seafood.

These experiences have enriched his culinary repertoire, allowing him to create dishes that celebrate both the authenticity of Mediterranean flavors and the excitement of modern gastronomy.

At Te Peku, we strive to offer our guests an unforgettable dining experience that combines the freshness of the sea with the warmth of Mediterranean hospitality. Our menu is crafted with care, using only the finest ingredients to ensure every dish is a true reflection of our passion for seafood.

Join us at Te Peku and embark on a culinary journey that honors the legacy of our seafaring ancestors while embracing the flavors of today. Welcome to our table, where every bite tells a story of the sea.

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